Wednesday, 29 March 2023

experimental drawing with horizons 6th form

My Tuesday mornings are rather exciting as I'm running experimental drawing sessions with fabulous students from Horizons 6th from at Derby QUAD. 

We had our third session this Tuesday, hardly ever take photos (no time!) BUT managed to take these beauties this week. Last week we went on a gathering walk near the river by the Museum of Making, we also took photographs along the route. This week we made drawing tools from the natural materials gathered and the photographs inspired mark-making and drawing.

To keep the DIY ethos going, the group used pestle and mortars to create 'paint' from turmeric, spinach, blueberries, beetroot, coffee, charcoal and soil! Amazing and sometimes unexpected colours were released.

Jamie captured his beautiful river photograph with the leaf drawing tool and charcoal 'ink' 🖤

for wilfred

In early 2022 I had the privilege of working on a very special commemorative commission. I pieced together vintage linen (much repaired, hemmed, some monogrammed, tea towel sized) to create a two meter hanging.

The piece was commissioned by a granddaughter in memory of her grandfather Wilfred. My heart warmed towards Wilfred while looking at documents from his life and reading a handwritten note of thanks to his son and daughter-in-law (the commissioners parents). Precious echos from which to create from and this writing became central to the piece.

I love working with repaired fabric and these textiles were skilfully mended, showing their value, that thrift and longevity were important. I added another layer, working in collaboration with the unknown sewer, connected for a time and couldn't help but wonder about their life too.

Goodbye, Hurriedly, Dear Both

Monday, 27 March 2023

play nicely

2022 was a particularly tough one.

This February I moved into a roomy one-bed rental flat in Langley Mill, Derbyshire with my cat Cilla. Unable to find affordable accommodation along the Derwent Valley I made the difficult decision to leave Haarlem Artspace in Wirksworth and the familiar people/surroundings that I love - hopefully I'll return one day.

I'm grateful for my own space and being reunited with my darling cat. Have set up a studio in the living room and am planning to take time to reengage with my art practice, pick up unfinished work and consider next steps. There is a neglected garden here and I've purchased a selection of interesting heritage seeds and plan to sew a small patch of flax.

I'm currently working as a creative practitioner for Derby QUAD, the Museum of Making (Midlands Maker Challenge) and Artcore.

Draw Derby is going from strength to strength: word of mouth and DD's Instagram is calling in the drawing kin - as I'd hoped. A regular attendee took me aside at the March gathering and said Draw Derby had changed her life, giving her confidence and the opportunity to meet likeminded, Kindly people - WOW! For more information and to book a free Eventbrite ticket see here!

Watch this space! Come on 2023 - play nicely!