draw derby

Draw Derby January 2022 - December 2024

Three people showed up to the first ever Draw Derby gathering on 29th January 2022, and three years on 100 people (Hannah @smallprintco was the 100th 🙂) have drawn outdoors in Derby, making a total of 500+ visits to the city centre!

Back in December 2021 I spent half an hour drawing alone in the market place and wondered if anyone would like to join me... the answer was yes! By February Radio Derby requested to interview me live on air and I thought, oh, I'm on to something here.

I've extended my comfort zone, met fabulous people and normalised drawing outdoors for many. I attempted to throw out ideas around 'good' and 'bad' drawing (B O R I N G - drawing is so much more than judging outcomes), invited people to come along and have a go and made space for participants to share tips and advice with each other - peer knowledge and support is HUGE! 

Probably unbeknown to many was the intention behind the Draw Derby events as artwork: a group of people choosing to not participate in commerce, being still, observing, making a mark, taking up space in the market place 🎶

28th December was my final Draw Derby as host. Three years without funding is a good run and I'm stepping away to prioritise earning an income in these challenging times, it's difficult for me (like many) to afford to be an artist. 

Thanks everyone for joining me and helping Draw Derby come alive.

Draw Derby continues in the safe hands of DD regulars Jenny and Tom, meeting at 10.30am by the Waterfall in the market place on the last Saturday of the month, tickets available on eventbrite.
eventbrite text - feel free to copy/edit this text to start up your own group.

'Drawing teaches us to look at the overlooked, changing the world we see and thus changing the way we move through it. Drawing is a way to love the world more intimately by paying closer and more caring attention to it.'

Text by Maria Popova (The Marginalian) in response to - Wendy MacNaughton TED Talk

Running since Janurary 2022, Draw Derby is a free, monthly, outdoor, all welcome gathering in Derby city centre. Come and meet likeminded others and DRAW together! Bring a curious and playful attitude, jump in and have a go! Draw Derby welcomes complete beginners and those experienced in drawing.

Draw Derby is:

love letter to Derby from it's citizens (and beyond)

Simple - same place, same time, the last Saturday of the month throughout the year

Free - the monthly gatherings will always be free

Outside - being visible, a provocation in the city

Connecting with place - through regular and repeated engagement

Drawing together - an opportunity to find drawing kin

Building community - who hears the call?

Welcoming - anyone who wants to draw

Gentle accountability - to show up and draw

Self-directed - for participants to use the time in whatever way suits them, under the umbrella of Draw Derby

How does it work?

We meet by The Waterfall in the Market Place at 10.30am on the last Saturday of the month.

We move to another location after an hour for a different viewpoint in the city.

After two hours we share drawings and exchange supportive feedback outdoors or in a local arts venue or cafe (if this is something you'd like to do - no one will be forced to share).

Please bring something to draw with and something to draw on. There are no rules about materials. No materials provided.

We all draw. This is not a tutored event. You draw what you see, in your own way.

What will we draw?

The city space will provide our inspiration, draw what's around you and focus on whatever catches your eye.

What happens in bad weather?

Sites will be chosen with the weather forecast in mind, so on rainy days we will draw in locations with overhead shelter.

What do I need to do?

Book tickets so Karen can monitor numbers

Chose what to bring and prepare sketching materials

Check the forecast and dress appropriately


Quad Derby, Sharing work - February

Ribbon Canopy, Iron Gate - March

Museum of Making - The Assembladge - May

Market Place - June

Pickford House - September

Market Place - September

Waterfall Sculpture - January

Museum of Making - January

Museum & Art Gallery - March

Waterfall, Market Place - April

Market Place - September

Museum of the Moon 
Derby Cathedral - October

Waterfall - January

Market Place - March

Museum & Art Gallery - April

The View, Museum of Making - April


Market Place - July

Market Place - September

Museum & Art Gallery - October

Remembering Tracey Meek - November

Museum & Art Gallery - December